a town in portugal where all the cool kids hangs out. birthplace of awesome musicians and people who fall in love with britons.
that kid is from montemor-o-velho, he’s a freaking genius on a guitar!
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- Recap
to summarize a finished event. can you recap the race? i left in the middle of it. to repeat in summary format the recap of the situation was not needed. i’ve hear enough about it already. a mixture of being retarted and handicapped that guy steve o is a re-cap adding more weed to a […]
- Hurensöhnin
see –> hurensohn german – translation “daughter of a wh-r-” (in the sense of “son of a b-tch” for a girl) the female version of the german curseword “hurensohn”, which in itself is crippling the german language. however, as a mockery of the poor grammar skills of people using the word “hursensohn” excessively, the word […]
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a fict-tious brand-name of pork scratchings (or pork rinds) named in the movie shaun of the dead. goes well with a pint of beer; package is v. aerodynamic. ed: “shaun! hog lumps!” a packet of hog lumps h-ts shaun in the face.
- hogshead
a large cask for liquids, usually containing liquor; a liquid measure containing 63 old wine-gallons (equal to 52 imperial gallons). abbreviated hhd. this content was prescribed by a statute of 1423: “the london hogshead of beer contained 54 gallons, that of ale 48 gallons; elsewhere the hogshead of ale or beer contained 51 gallons.” “that […]
- montease
1. (noun) montgomery glands, or monties, that are partially visible underneath a woman’s blouse or top. when in a private setting, the clothing might be transparent. but more often, a montease occurs in public, when an otherwise modest blouse allows the contours of the montgomery glands to become visible, as b-mps in the fabric. 2. […]