an exclamation of happiness/triumph, having to deal with either world domination ,general evilness, or insanity. the more ‘ha’s, the more forceful. and i thought this was my idea. >_< world domination: "at last! the supreme-ray-gun has been set up! all shall fear me! moohaha!" general evilness: "i killed a chipmunk. moohaha!" general evilness (foreceful): "i killed a person! moohahahaha!" insanity: "why is the sky purple? the squirrels did it! moohaha!" a laugh performed by a cow who plans to kill you i am hungry, moohaha! a word used to express madness through laughter...very effective. "i don't like you, moohaha" "shat ap, baahaha" laughter at random moments usually used when: 1 ur on aim or the internet 2 ur talkin to ur biffles 3 u r laughin at losers 4 u have decided to take over the world i will now take over the universe. moo ha ha!! wtf? a monotonic laugh said with little to no emotion. "really funny joke!" "moohaha
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