a person who is highly annoying and very sl-tatious & has a moose aura.
a mother sl-tter.
” omg , i’m so cool!!! doesn’t everyone wanna be me? ” -feels br–sts-
-whispers- ” omg, she’s such a moosloo. ”
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to shave your b-lls but leave hair on the topside. why would you only shave your b-lls and not everything? dont you realize it looks like a crotch mullett.
- crunchfest
the act of crunching so many people so often in quick succession, that you could make a festival out of it. crunch means to destroy someone, usually in a video game. advisary: i’ll f-kushima u up in dota2 f-ggot advisary and his entire team lose quickly you: f-cking crunchfest, get crunched
- Moosenuts Idaho
middle of friggin’ nowhere; slightly less further away than b-m f-ck egypt. often used to describe an unknown, but seemingly far away place. john’s on vacation somewhere in moosenuts idaho.
- bombnaked
adjective describing anything or anyone in a positive way. that guy we saw last was so bombnaked. i so wanted to just take his clothes off right there.
- Crunkification
the act of getting crunk, or being so crunk, that you are unable to speak, and must be referred to in the third person because you are unable to think or speak. yo, tyreseus, we need some mad crunkification tonight so’s we can f-ck dese b-tches.