the most holy prophet captain mosey was original prophet of the flying spaghetti monster. fsm appeared to mosey during a stupor (induced by mead and al dente pasta). captain mosey is the originator of the 8 condiments, also known as the 8 ‘rather you didn’ts’ which were given to him by the fsm on the top of mount salsa. mosey was crucified in year 1 of the pastafarian calendar, after abducting julius cesar, holding him for a terribly low ransom, raising that ransom, and then being taken captive himself.
mosey was a trusted advisor to the fsm, and one drunken b-st-rd too.
-when wishing to get from one place to another, but not particularly too fast, one will “mosey”
-generally understood as a slow walk or determined slow pace as set by the leader of the group. (moseying can be done alone, but is much cooler in a group)
-a bit of shuffling and a bit of walking, all of course in a general direction, sometimes without purpose, and with a purposeful speed.
-an expression of needing to leave.
– “mosey on over there”
– “let’s mosey”
– “well sorry but i’ve gotta mosey”
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