• ZhanXG

    Meaning: A Dream as a gamer, never be a given up person Usage: I had a crazy ZhanXG last night. Let me tell you all about it.

  • Decarceration

    Decarceration involves government policies and community campaigns to reduce the number of people held in custody or under custodial supervision in the… – is the attempt to improve conditions inside prisons.

  • Performative

    People who more concerned with self-promotion, social media “likes”, or selling books & lectures; than they are about Actual Deliverables. People thought Tina cared about labor issues, considering how much she Tweeted about it, but it was all performative wokeness – she had no problems crossing picket-lines if the business offered a sale.

  • Wet Market

    A market selling live animals and a big place to become ill. Often found in China, the origin of SARS and COVID-19. Kyle: Hey, how was your trip to China? Chris: It was fine, though I did feel a little sick from eating that pangolin at a wet market.

  • Bubble

    To simply invest money with the purpose to make a profit. Bubble is to make something more than what it is. When you blow bubbles they multiply. I’f you say I’m blowin bubbles, this means to re-invest profit to make more money. If you say I’m tryna bubble, it means to make a profitable investment. “Yea man I’m tryna bubble” “I’m finna flip […]

  • An Uncle Bailey

    a sick perverted comments made, an action that crossed every line your mother ever taught you, an act so gross that all you could do was shrug your shoulders and say, “oh, he/she pulled an uncle bailey” and shudder. the initials “ub” also count. after seeing a friend knowingly drink a spit-filled beverage.. having a […]

  • genetic foow ( pronounced foe )

    someone who has been dragged from the bottom of the gene pool and placed into a situation that they are not intellectually capable of being successful in. stands for genetic fish out of water. as fish is both singular and plural so to is genetic foow the talent scout found some of the contestants had […]

  • spazebo

    a term too express the feeling of joy in the south west of england, esp bristol…. lets have a spazebo evening………

  • fontin

    a form of “frontin’” meant for usage on the internet, where everything is done in type. ircoo283:mayne, why you fontin’?

  • Lmaozine

    a syntax limozine made out of the abbreviatio, “lmao” which stands for laughing my -ss off omfg lmaozina ha ha ha ha ha ha