mother of god
if something unbelieveable happens or is so unexpected and you cant believe your eyes, you can then say ‘mother of god!’
mother of god!… (said a man after seeing a 24 foot p-ssy with legs walking towards him)
a phrase used when something amazing, miraculous, something thought to be impossible, etc. had happened.
“dude, try this: make a fist with your left hand and squeeze your left thumb. then put your right finger down your throat. no gag reflex!”
“mother of g-d…”
the one and only mother of the lord jesus christ, the virgin mary. also used to describe an undescribable event.
sweet mother of god.
the virgin mary, who has a habit of appearing on such objects such as tortillas and fence posts and other inanimate objects in mexico.
“holy f-ck i just saw the mother of god in my f-cking bean dip”
the virgin mary
what members of catholicism honor. reminiscent of the ancient roman pagan practice of honoring the mother of the roman god jupiter.
mary, mother of g-d
unintentionally shouted when extremely peeved
mother of god! why did this person just cut me off?
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