Mount Airy, NC
a very small town in the middle of no where. it borders the pacific ocean near guam and australia. andy griffith is from this small town. the teens there find it very fun and yet boring. it is in the spleen of tennessee. mount airy is a great town.
taylor: “so where ya from?’
miranda: “mount airy, nc. it’s in the spleen of tn!!”
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more than two pimples or zits on a person’s face. girl 1: hey do you wanna go to jason’s party tonight? girl 2: no, i can’t. i have a hunge mountian range on my forhead. girl 1: you should use pro-active.
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centered or focused around male genitalia. the p-rno had two girls and one guy, but it was still very c-ckcentric.
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what a ratking is to rats, the mouseking is to mice. there’s a huge mouseking living in lindsay’s room.
- qftt
quoted for the truth. “haha you got owned” (quote)haha you got owned(/quote) qftt
acronym for quote for the win, used in forums when quoting another persons post. can be used to support their post or in a sarcastic manner. quote: mysp-ce is for attention wh-r-s quoter: qftw! mysp-ce sucks!