monosodium glutamate.
a substance added to food to trick the stomach into feeling full. wears off after half an hour. msg is used most often in buffet-style restaurants and chinese food restaurants to help maximize profits by saving food resources.
i went to grand china buffet and got full immediately after eating only two small plates. i suddenly felt hungry again the minute i arrived home. d-mn msg.
21 more definitions
the salt of an amino acid which is used by the body as a neurotransmitter. there are receptors for glutamate in the hypothalamus, the eyes, the ears, the pancreas. thus, the food additive msg, which when ingested raises blood levels of this amino acid in the blood, affects a myriad of body processes. because free glutamate is the currency of nerve transmission in the body, msg ingestion can result in ringing in the ears, blurred vision, dizziness, and an insulin increase. seemingly disparate reactions which all have a neurotransmitter link to glutamate. in addition, glutamate is a calcium channel opener, which affects the cardiovascular system. (most of the public is familiar with calcium channel blockers – which lower blood pressure.) msg may cause headaches by affecting the constriction of blood vessels. by also increasing histamine response, msg ingestion has also been -ssociated with diseases of inflammation such as rosacea. by affecting the pancreas and hypothalamus – the seat of hunger in the brain, msg injected in mice has been proven to cause obesity. msg causes leptin resistance in mice. (leptin is the substance released by fat cells and active in the hypothalamus which controls appet-te by suppressing ampk. mice with activated ampk eat more, and reduce activity by 30% in effect becoming “lazy”.) thus msg indirectly activates ampk, the substance that increases weight due to the body trying to conserve enrgy any way it can.
msg is a harmful, and unecessary, food additive.
mmmm so good!!!
food with msg in it is the best because mmmm it’s soooo good!!!
my summer guy. quote from royal pains
that guy was msg last year but this year…
short for ‘message’
used to smite little folk on msn, even though they asked for it simply by using msn.
abbreviation for the chemical monosodium glutamate, the forumla is:
this chemical is an additive which is used in many types of foods including pre-packaged foods such as doritos and cheetos, as well as fresh foods such as chinese and j-panese cuisine. it is usually found most abundantly in ramen.
the fda cl-ssifies msg as safe – however, some people do have reactions to the substance that include headaches, nausea, etc. additionally, some people feel that msg is a widespread cause of cancer, suicide, and the like (for example: these allegations are regarded by most scientists as complete nonsense], and the allegations are made only by “off-the-wall” scientific groups, these groups being not unlike fundamentalist]s in terms of absurdity.
contrary to popular belief and the other definitions found here, msg is primarily used in order to stimulate the sensory taste umami]. (american]s, of course, do not using words that are not “american”, and thus b-st-rdized the word into “savoriness”.)
in asian cuisine, msg is used abundantly only in cheaper or pre-packaged foods. in finer asian cuisine, msg is used sparingly or, as some chefs find msg to be “cheating”, not at all.
“umami! umami! i must taste some umami! i’m going to go find some msg-food”
“part of the reason ramen] tastes so good is because of the msg used in it”
“the fundamentalist] denounced msg as sinful towards g-d”
monosodium glutamate, the brainchild of a top-secret oriental-sponsored military project to render white people bald, fat, and impotent for the impending yellow invasion commencing in the 22nd century.
adding msg to common foods found in your local ranch 99 market was not difficult, since monosodium glutamate is practically the only thing in oriental cuisine (“chinese food”) that tastes good to non-asians.
save yourselves and avoid buying products imported from the far east containing msg.
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