Mud whistle
mud whistle, also known as “-sshole” is just another term for your chocolate starfish.
comes from the movie “shallow hal”
“jesus, i think i ate to much taco bell yesterday, my mud whistle is bleeding”
a term of endearment for a good friend when your breaking his b-lls.
hey mudwhistle, lets go to the pub and grab a few pints.
another name for your -sshole
that chick has an onion booty that could make a grown man cry. im trying to stick it in her mud whistle.
while two men are having -n-l s-x the one on top pulls out so fast that it creates a whistling sound
hey, did you mudwhistle steve? i heard it while making a sammich last night.
the name given to an individual who likes to dabble in the fine art of the -ss eating of a person of the opposite s-x.
yo mudwhistle !!!! get your tounge out of that ho’s -ss and get a job.
oh my g-d…did mudwhistle really use a baby wipe to clean that chicks -ss before he ate it.
does mudwhistle really carry around baby wipes just in case he picks up a female at the bar?
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