Muffin Top Syndrome
complete social unawareness of one’s appearance (i.e. having a m-ffin top and not realizing one’s clothes do not fit properly)
do you think that girl knows her jeans are tucked into her socks?
no way, she’s got m-ffin top syndrome.
an ugly girl that wears tight clothes and has her side fat hanging out for people to sadly see.
did you see that fat girl with cellulite?
yeah that’s so gross, she has m-ffin top syndrome and i can’t believe she went on stage with those high school musical shorts. so gross!
the extremely horrifying, unattractive disease (not a medical disease) when a woman or man tried to squeeze into a pair of pants three sizes too small for them, resulting in the overflow of flab, rolls, junk and extra skin over the top of the pants.
warning: may cause heart failure (to the person witnessing it)
“haha hey check out that lady… shes like 10 pounds overweight and looks like shes comin down with a little m-ffin-top syndrome. ew!”
the act of creating a m-ffin top effect on yourself and trying to get away with it.
“if i wear a longer shirt noone will notice my m-ffin top syndrome!”
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