doing more than one thing at once.
it is a common fallacy that women are good at mult-tasking, and men are bad at it. the actual truth is, that men like to do things properly, so they do them one at a time and give them their full attention. women on the other hand, are happy to do a half–ssed job.
‘what happened to your car?’
‘oh, that. my wife was mult-tasking – parking and talking on the phone at the same time.’
‘oh, well i hope it was an interesting conversation, because she parked a bollard into the side of the car.’
‘no, she was talking to me on the phone, and she was really distracted by trying to park.’
‘oh. how efficient.’
to use the restroom and brush your teeth at the same time
i was late for work today so i had to mult-task!
the act of doing two or more things at the same time.
solving a rubiks cube while playing guitar hero, such as the man in the youtube video, the multicolored mult-task (guitar hero + rubik’s cube).
adj – etymology – early 1980’s douche bag corporate speak multe-tasc-ing
1. (tasker) secret derogatory term for individuals who can do more than one thing poorly at the same time;
2. (tasker) regularly abused corporate speak for overworked jack holes that have more to do than they possibly can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time;
3. (root definition: to multi-task) specifically – taking a dump while jacking off at the same time;
definition 2:
employee1 – “i have to finish two projects and one for the guy that just got fired”
employee2 – “i guess you are going to have to multi-task”
employee1 – “yeah i am going to multi-task myself into unemployment”
definition 3:
boss – “i am looking for employees that are willing to take on some hard projects – i am going to need multi-taskers”
employee1 and employee2 – (long smirking looks at each other) “yea – we can do that (m-ffled snickering)”
doing something important or serious while jerking off.
while i worked at the suicide hotline, i mult-tasked a lot.
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