doing multiple other things while masturbating.
it’s mult-taskurbation – eating beef jerky, talking on the phone and masturbating. d-mn productive.
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acronym for: help, i cannot stop rolling on the floor laughing out loud!!! the last l’ol’ statement used after something outrageously humourous is stated person a: (statement of outageous humourosity) person b: lol… rotflol… icbiasrotflol… …hicsrotflol!!!
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where gingers come from. located in flordia. did you know that ____ came from the hidden valley of oranges?
- mumbleforth
a b-mbling individual. who is pr-ne to asking ridiculous questions and who does not understand adverts. a notorious sufferer of hungry b-m syndrome and giraffe neck. a fan of unusual culinary dishes such as the little known ‘pasta, tuna and a whole tomato’ ‘no mumbleforth you are wrong again’
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a term used to describe a f-ck ugly fat mess of a girl who thinks she is gods gift to men. boy 1 – look at state of her over there. boy 2 – i know, what a total muntstain. boy 1 – word.