the coolest bad-ss most epic mother f-cker you will ever meet.
person 1: “i am a munjigger!”
person 2: -b-tch slap- “oh h-ll no. you aren’t remotely close to being worthy enough. just die.”
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- munker
anything small or mini. that chinchilla is so small, it’s a munker. a cross between a man-cave and a bunker, the purpose of which is to allow the male ego to survive and flourish amidst nuclear war, biological attack, and artillery bombardments. must be well-stocked with cold beer, sports memorabelia, flatscreen tv, and pre-recorded sports […]
- Munraj
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- Murrah
a breed of water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) is the premier milking buffalo. in italy, it is the basis of mozzarella cheese production, and therefore italian pizza. by italian law, mozzarella may only be made from buffalo milk, which is preferred for its very high b-tterfat content, up to 16% compared with 4% for european (bos […]