1. one who never forgets old incidents and can and will bring them up, even 20 years after the fact, to b-tch about them.
2. the ex-guitarist of heavy metal band metallica for the first alb-m, who was fired over an incident involving james hetfield in 1983 and went on to found the much better but far less popular band megadeth.
1. oh my god, that kizak is such a mustaine.
2. dave mustaine is a far superior guitarist and vocalist to james hetfield.
used in the phrase “to pull a mustaine”, to yell “f-ck yeah!” in the most random and usually inappropriate of times.
named for dave mustaine, vocalist/guitarist for megadeth; derived from the song “the mechanix”, in which mustaine for no reason yells “f-ck yeah!” near the end.
“how could she tell dave was watching the game and not listening to his girlfriend?”
“well, she was talking about her sick cousin, but his team scored a goal and he just pulled a mustaine.”
the mustaine is a moustache made of or caked in santorum. stems from dave mustaine’s support of rick santorum and his speaking out against gay rights because he is a ‘christian’.
that dude hates gays so much, he’s obviously still in the closet. check out the mustaine on him, it’s obvious!
an act that occurs between two consenting adult males after the act of lovemaking. one of the partic-p-nts, with a finger covered in santorum, draws a mustache on the other. pioneered by a certain poodle haired gentleman with a chip on his shoulder
“hey bro, just got back from this huge gay orgy at my church, everyone there walked out with a mustaine”
guy 1:why are you washing your face?
guy 2:trying to wash off that mustaine you gave me last night
guy 1:dont worry about it, just let it rust in peace.
guy 2:why do you have to draw a mustaine on me every night? how about you know, put a plug in it?
verb. to get even with someone for being annoying, mostly a social peer. to cast a peer aside in disrespect after having suffered that peer’s bad personality traits.
alternate: mustained, adverb. to have been cast -sside by one’s peers, to have been excommunicated, or fired.
origin: dave mustane- former guitarist for metallica, who was famously kicked out of the group for being an insufferable -ss.
dave was mustained by his bandmates after opening his mouth one too many times.
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1.) a woman’s genitalia; a v-lv-; a vagoo. 2.) also, a delicious sandwich exclusively containing mustard. 1.) man, i would definitely eat her mustard sandwich. 2.) man, i would definitely eat her mustard sandwich.
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