mutual masturbation
two people, either of the opposite s-x or same s-x, touching each others p-n-s/v-g-n- for pleasure and/or -rg-sm.
as i lay next to my girlfriend she used her hand to rub my hard c-ck, while i slipped my fingers into her hot tight p-ssy.
what you and your girlfriend did as kids when you took a pledge to the church, and then told your pastor you’ve never had s-x with each other. cause technically you didn’t.
when kim and david were on the bed at night watching tv, they got h-rny. but they remembered their pledges. so they just took of their pants and underwear and had mutual masturbation then told their pastor they’ve never had s-x.
when two people mutually decide to play guitar hero with one guitar controller. in this situation, one person takes one set of b-ttons on the controller while the other takes the rest. this is done to enhance performance, but, due to a lack of unison and timing, this configuration typically results in failure.
dude #1: ok, you take green to yellow, and i’ll handle blue and orange.
dude #2: mutual masturbation sucks, let’s just go jack off together.
dude #1: after more than a feeling, b-tch!
usually practiced in h-m-s-xual couples, but it is also done between some straight couples as foreplay.
when you lay down with someone, get in a cuddle type position and mastubate with them.
some people make out with the person while they do it.
as i laid there, jerking my c-ck, at the sight of her masturbating next to me, she leaned over and started to make out with me.
this mutual masturbation thing is great!
when a man and a women rub eachothers genital areas.
i rubbed my gf’s p-ssy while she rubbed my d-ck while we masturbation
two people in close vicinity to one another touching their own groin areas in order to obtain s-xual pleasure. two women touching each other’s genitals is called s-x. two women curled up together on the bed touching their own genitals is mutual masturbation.
i lay on my side, her fingers twining the hair at the back of my neck, my right hand rubbing my cl-t hard, her left hand between her own thighs, her breath exploding against my forehead, d-mn this mutual masturbation thing is great!
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