a term used to describe a beautiful native american female. either half native american or full blooded.
man i met this s-xy nadeve the other night. she was bangin!
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north american fairy g-dmother -ssociation in the movie, simple wish, martion short uses the term “nafga” to imply the north american fairy g-dmothers in the north american fairy g-dmother -ssociation ~-have wand will travel-~
- Nahi
a positive affirmation, often used as a confirmation response expressing excitement. can signify an impending good time. can be used as a common term of agreement. hey we going out tonight? ya nahi!! we just won the championship….. nahi!! you wanna drink beer tonight??. nahi. hey you coming eat… ya nahi 1 more definition a […]
- necrothreadia
the term used when, on a forum, a user revives a thread that is long dead. necrothreadia is when the date is 10/04/05 and someone posts on a thread that is dated 24/12/99.
- Neda K
a term used for a female involved in the agriculture industry who propogates an enchanted forest on her arms. this enchanted forest is often confused with arm hair, by creeped out teenagers. 1 – phuzzle: “oh my god, neda k’s arm hair really puts me to shame!” parmindher: “no phuzz, that’s actually greenery grown for […]
- Sludouche
its a sl-t and a douche bag put together wow that guy is a f-cking sludouche for doing that to you.