Nappy Slamstick
when you screw someone up the b-tt so hard it goes into their lower intestine
i think i ruptured my lower intestine, i took a nappy slamstick last night
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- nappy stacker
person who sh-ts his or her own pants on regular intervals quoting such phrases as “oh no not again”. usually creating entertainment among friends while the unfortunate victim resorts to forcing his fist up to try to hold in any remaining residue. michaels only gone and sh-t himself again the dirty nappy stacker.
a term that means ” change the subject” or “forget it” this man such an -sshole ..oh he is coming -naser- usually a reccreational activty, the act of being tasered while naked. you must have electrical current running through your naked body to officialy be nasering. jim likes to get a good naser on before […]
- National Service
allowing gays in the military. the dadt aff produced by clark mcintosh ddi 06 is really topical under this definition of national service. 1 more definition a system either requiring or offering incentives to encourage enlistment in the armed forces, during which time the armed forces inst-tution does not inquire as to the s-xual orientation […]
- Neopagan
noun, adjective. a neopagan belongs to a religion in the catagory of neopaganism. neopagans include members of newly created pagan religions. neopagans include but are not limited to wiccans. their faiths may be current, but they are based on far older religions. “sam was wearing a pentagram.” 1. (noun) “he may be a neopagan.” 2. […]
- is kill
the term used by non-english speakers to declare that somoane died. an article from a russsian newspaper: sooy fore poor englesh were were yuo wen mihail was kill? i is at home polsihng cennon ball wen pjotr call “mihail is kill” “no”