NARB swaggin
the act of getting a narb which is an abbreviation for “no apparent reason b-n-r” while dancing (usually grinding) with your female partner.
george was embar-ssed when he realized he was narb swaggin on the most beautiful girl at the dance.
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naruto d-ck riding syndrome is an affliction exclusive to characters in masashi kishimoto’s popular manga, naruto. after encountering uzumaki naruto in a battle and losing, naruto spits an adorable line about peace, determination, and love. the victim then relinquishes all convictions and bends to the will of uzumaki naruto. his allies are also afflicted by […]
the most illest thing you seen or done or heard or feel all day you never would of thought you would of seen or done or heard that also major illness 1.check out that illtastic! -ss i would destory it. 2.d-mn im about to bust a nut all over her face it feels illtastic! 3. […]
- i luh you
i love you. hunter & molly. i luh you
- Nascared
to ‘nascar’ is to incompletely shake the urine out of one’s p-n-s prior to returning the p-n-s back to the pants, resulting in a urine spot visible to the observer. “hey man, thanks for holding my beer while i was peeing.” “no problem. whoa, d-ck trickle, you nascared!”
- I'm hilarious
a lame charecter who thinks there h-lla funny and makes jokes that p-ss people off. usually an old jewish man from manhattan, but goes around saying he’s from helm. also ends up revealing he had a really screwed up childhood with an abusive d-ckweed of a father. i have a hilarious story. once upon a […]