nashua, new hampshire is one of the few places that can be totally ghetto in some parts (for nh anyways) and really, really rich in other parts. the funny thing is, the “gangsters” are from the rich parts, and the normal kids are from the ghetto parts.
also has the coolest convienence store known to man, called “sky market”.
guy 1: hey look at that gangster kid!
guy 2: yeah, the funny thing is, he’s from the good parts of nashua!
nashua: home of contradiciton
a blue-collar town in southern new hampshire, populated by people of french-canadian ancestry. once ranked the best place to live in the u.s.
the girls here are -really- easy, highly recommended if you want to score on a weekend trip.
i was staying in nashua and met this girl named dawn marie. we went to the susse chalet and one thing led to another and before you know it, we’re doing the wild thing!
city in southern new hampshire- used to be a blue collar mill town populated by french-canadians but back in the early 1900’s. the city has experienced economic expansion and is now part of the boston-area high tech corridor. it is the only city to twice be named the “best place to live in america”.
you know your from nashua if…
you know who the emmons are.
my hometown – a little ghetto but there’s still a lot of good in the city.
as long as you aren’t right down town, things are usually pretty mellow.
if your looking for drugs and s-x and violence though, downtown is where to go.
i love nashua and hate it at the same time
a large ghetto located in southern new hampshire. used to be a pretty kick-ss center of commerce (e.i. the cotton mill industries) about 150 years ago. that all changed after world war i. one of the few places in the world where white-trash community college dropouts and low-life latino “gangstas” can coexist in peace.
modern nashua is a sad example of its former self.
jim bought cheap lsd off a brazilian guy who lives in nashua.
i went to eat at the dunkin donuts in nashua and the only person working there who spoke english was the 40-year old welfare mom at the register.
to think nashua used to be shanghai, now it’s a dumping ground for society’s rejects.
a city in southern new hampshire that is infested with 4 foot tall wannabee gangster mexicans and sl-tty girls who have s-x with any guy after drinkin 2 beers
“check out that kid over there he thinks hes a blood”
“clean town nashua”
“tell me about it”
a place in southern new hampshire which was named the best place to live in america in 1997, but has since become a sh-thole. going to roller kingdom used to be fun, but now you’ll get stabbed by a spanish gang member guarenteed (also applies at any of our public high shcools). our school superintendent is a meth-addict h-ll-bent on having school thru every snowstorm. the city in general just likes it up the -ss, and many teenagers cannot wait to get the h-ll out of there once they have the means to.
i remember when i used to live in nashua… i never hated life so much as those days of boring nothingness.
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