hatred of nature.
those big companies with their waste dumping… they’re such natreds!
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the three headed dog that guards the gates of h-ll. fear the wrath of cerberus. a gun that vincent valentine uses in final fantasy vii: dirge of cerberus. it is the main gun of the game and very powerful when upgraded. it has three barrels and is all black with silver dog heads at the […]
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the act of changing tv channels without finding a channel to stop on. pressing the up or down b-tton on the tv remote control while hoping to find something worth watching. this involuntary muscle reaction is triggered by the commercial. sometimes the act of channel surfing becomes entertainment in and of itself. from the concept […]
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used in the male african-american community as:to engage in s-xual interco-rs- with a girl; usually girlfriend, sometimes just any girl. commonly used as peer-pressure amongst friends to “get some”it has become well known in quantico because of buddy asking people when they’re going to punish that junk. repeat-tive askings to people like like ricky have […]