natty gumpf

v-g-n-. aka p-ssy
d-mn! my girl throws the natty gumpf at me!

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  • crogie

    people with this surname tend to live in country settings, drink lots of milk, and have many pets. they’re the kind of people that would invite you to prayer group but would be fine with a few gl-sses of wine instead. “man, she is so chill about everything. must be a crogie.”

  • liquid moon

    a term used to describe extreme explosive liquid diarrhea on someone’s face. i am going to liquid moon you.

  • jerreese

    a total b-tch and has no b-lls whatsoever don’t be a jerreese

  • the feds are watching

    the police or the authorities are survailing your person “watch your back” , “the feds are watching”

  • subthot

    a woman who qualities and characteristics are below a “thirsty hoe out there” the girl is beyond desperate. she’s a subthot.

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