
producing nausea.
a nauseant agent.
historical examples

cordite mingled with the raw, nauseant, revolting smell of scorched flesh and hair.
operation lorelie william p. salton

now, no sedative or nauseant is known that does not lock up the natural secretions and thus lessen the digestive powers.
alcohol: a dangerous and unnecessary medicine, how and why martha m. allen

the nauseant action of squill, which is alluded to in connection with anasarcin, is too well known to require more than a mention.
the propaganda for reform in proprietary medicines, vol. 1 of 2 various

by the operation of the nauseant the violent action of the heart in high fever may be allayed.
the action of medicines in the system frederick william headland

diaph-r-tic, nauseant, and emetic when warm; tonic when cold.
cooley’s cyclopdia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions, and trades…, sixth edition, volume i arnold cooley

the influence of antimony on the glandular organs is indirectly but powerfully intensified by its nauseant action.
the action of medicines in the system frederick william headland

the plant is official in the pharmacopœia of india as an emetic and in small doses is nauseant and diaph-r-tic.
the medicinal plants of the philippines t. h. pardo de tavera


1834, from latin nauseant-, present participle stem of nauseare (see nauseate (v.)).

nauseant nau·se·ant (nô’zē-ənt, -zhē-, -sē-, -shē-)
inducing nausea or vomiting.
nau’se·ant n.

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