the feeling you experience when, on reconnecting with an old friend/lover on the net (mysp-ce/facebook/cl-ssmates/etc), you discover that they appear to have a better career, better s-x life, nicer family or more money than you.
“remember that girl trish i went out with at school? i got in touch via facebook. turns out she got into modelling and married a millionaire. i had a serious case of nealousy.”
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- neanderthal fuckwit
a derogatory term used to reference an uncivilized, unintelligent , and/or uncouth male. similar to a chauvinistic pig, with the added attraction and charm of being lacking in all social graces. i went out on a date w/ a guy who proceeded to tell me i was fat and stupid, what a neanderthal f-ckwit. he […]
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a person with a penchant for “nomming” on the neck of his or her other half, occasionally whilst imitating the jaws theme (badly). may result in neck-stickiness, hickeys, or a tickling sensation. n-n: “chum-chum..” victim: “…what? n-n: “chum-chum chum-chum!” victim: “what th- dude, my neck! you godd-mn neck nommer!”
- Swing you round
generalised threat of physical violence used colloquially in north west area of the uk if you don’t get out of my way, i’m going to swing you round
- swooky
a term of great power. created by combining sweet, sw-nky, and spooky. use with discretions. see “donnie” to view opposite of swooky.