one who persuades a female to perform f-ll-t– by pressing on the back of the head or neck while engaging in foreplay.
“we were making out and robb started giving me a hint that he wanted a bj by pressing the back of my head. he is the neckwrestler”
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- Texas Blown
1. a group of gl-ss blowers based in texas who specialize in the construction of smoking pipes like bongs, spoons, bubblers etc. their gl-ss can be found in many head shops in the southern us. very thick, very chill gl-ss. 2. to get head from a thick piece of beautiful southern -ss. 3. what you […]
- text impediment
texting the wrong word or wrong letter within the word, creating a different meaning. usually occurs from texting too quickly or due to an altered mental state. girl: i’m taking pictures of the waterfall you will love. they’re wonderflu! boy: i just got over a bad case of wonderflu myself. girl: you’re a bully. making […]
thank g-d for. can be used in combination with other letters to form new acronyms. tgfb – thank g-d for bryan, he really solved the problem for us! tgfs stands for “thank g-d for sparknotes.” sparknotes is a website that has summaries of almost every book -ssigned in school. warning: if you sparknote for an […]
the very popular site that hosted forums for the people and clans of medal of honor: rising sun.
- thackstone
a big nosed tw-t boring the f-ck out of a poor student “f-cking h-ll, what a thackstone”