Net Banging
acting like a g-ngb-nger on the internet. because real g’s get into arguments on youtube.
david is a 13 year old white male who likes to threaten people in the comments section of call of duty videos on the internet. he sure loves net banging.
gang activity on the internet, recruiting, taunting rival gangs, posting information.
since they started netbanging, we’ve had more gangs and more crime in this city.
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a turkish female name. the name “neslihan” comprises of two words “nesli” and “han”. nesli comes from nesil, which also has roots in persian and arabic, that means “descendant”, “bloodline”, “generation”, “lineage”, or “ancestory”. the active word of nesil, “nesli”, means “it’s/her/his” lineage/bloodline etc. the word “han”, also having roots in persian, turkish can mean […]
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