a girl of semi spanish origin who, after about a day’s worth of pressure, will have -n-l s-x with you.
payment/bribe must be given in the form of hula-hoops
or hula-hoop (singular.)
tom: can we have -n-l s-x?
nev: ewww no, that’s disgusting.
tom: i’ll give you a hula-hoop?
nev:……..two hula-hoops.
a type of person who gets a lot of p-ssy and is the f-cking man.
what is nevs doing now?
he is f-cking that p-ssy and f-cking b-tches up.
johnny, what do you want to be when you grow up?
i want to be nevs.
an abbreviation of “never”.
also may be used to articulate a lack of interest, while maintaining a “nay” vote. (“i don’t care, but i’d rather not.”)
h: i nevs wanna see you again, sk-nk.
j: evs, man.
w: so, do you wanna go to the zoo?
z: nevs.
a word to describe someone who is an idiot, loser or does something stupid. derives from nevil longbottom from harry potter.
person1: did u c the new harry potter movie?
person2: u watch harry potter???ur such a nev!
not economicly viable meaning that your sorry -ss doesnt have enough credit rtg to get yourself the least bit of cash you might need to turn your life arround.such as catch 22 !
dude 1 -hey how did it go at the bank today?
dude 2-not to f-cking good .
dude 1-why not?
dude 2-they said that iam n.e.v not economicly viable .
derived from the name ‘neville’, nev is a simple subst-tution for cigarette, smoke, dart, stick etc.
1. hey man, come out for a nev!
2. got any nevs dude?
3. f-ck that, i need a nev.
nev is a stronger more exaggerated way of saying no. it comes from the word never.
would you ever go skydiving?
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