Nigger Repellent
anything to keep n-gg-rs away from your sh-t. such as mayonnaise is used to keep n-gg-rs away from your food.
put that n-gg-r repellent on your ham sandwich before leroy gets to it!
pepper spray…used by young white females while a n-gg-r (or group of n-gg-rs) try to rape her.
julie used a whole can of n-gg-r repellent last night after work.
an object, concept, idea, or action which drives away a negroid animal.
“oh look, there is a group of fine african americans stabbing that old lady. let me grab my n-gg-r repellent and some bullets”
“silly bob! offering a negro a job? don’t you know hard work is n-gg-r repellent?”
considering that a large portion of black people do not like cold climates, “n-gg-r repellent” is a direct reference to that of snow.
black people do not live in alaska. it must be due to the m-ss amount of snow (n-gg-r repellent).
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