the state of being desirable to nom on. delicious; s-xually pleasing.
mmmmm, hummus is so nomable – i think i’ll nom on some right now, om nom nom.
d-mn anu is nomable!
a words to describe a particularly handsome man, the man being that attractive he gets your mouth watering a little. just the thought of getting a taste of him gets your blood pumping, thats someone who’s nomable.
even just a glance of his b-m gets my blood pumping, or those eyes, and gosh what a smile, he’s so nomable
1) worthy of a name; deserving the distinction of category or t-tle
2) extremely tempting and delicious; capable of being devoured ravenously and ecstatically, esp in a figurative sense
1) i shall bequest unto this nomable expanse the appellation “bobcat flats.”
2) i await the challenge to find any part of your body that is not nomable, lady gaga.
(noun) a word used in subst-tute of “food”, usually used in reference to particularly tasty food or food that the person really likes. the word is often followed by an exclamation of “omnomnom!”
-comes from the word “nom” (verb), the sound of eating especially yummy food.
-(see nomable)
person 1: “i’m so hungry!”
person 2: “here have some nomables!”
person 1: “yay! cookies! omnomnom!”
an animal cute enough to make humans want to (figuratively) “nom nom nom” (nibble) on it.
lookit, lil buns sooooooo nomable!
(translation: your baby bunny is really cute. can i cuddle with it?)
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