1. shorthand for “no romance.”
2. a person who prefers a platonic relationship between two characters, particularly dana scully and fox mulder on the x-files.
antonym: shipper
“mulder and scully naked and humping each other?” said the aghast noromo. “how about… no.”
5 more definitions
no romo has a meaning that is identical to no h-m-; that is, it is to be used to negate things that one says or does that are inadvertently h-m-s-xual.
no romo is derived from the terminology no h-m- and the dallas cowboys’ possibly-h-m-s-xual quarterback, tony romo.
example 1
john: yo dude check out how big my d-ck is!
mike: what the f-ck, dude? you better call no romo.
example 2
tobias: i’ve been in the film business for a while, but i just can’t seem to get one in the can. no romo.
an alternative use of the phrase “no h-m-“. originated from the gamefaqs rap/hip-hop board, where it is regularly used to byp-ss censors.
dude i totally beat that guy’s -ss last night. no romo.
doing something that may seem romantic in nature but is only done to be friendly. like giving out roses or taking a friend to the movies.
john: what’d you do this weekend?
alan: i took becky out to the movies and we went to go eat.
john: aw that sounds sweet.
alan: yeah she’s cute but it was just as friends. no romo.
when you have a friend of the opposite s-x and you would like to engage in an activity but just as friends say no romo, kinda like how people say no h-m-.
rebecca: “hey harrison can i have a hug? no romo” harrison: “yeah of course :)”
derived from the quarterback tony romo, when some one shows that they are clutch in terms of sports. an act of being clutch.
billy: ” dude i hit a game winning shoot at the game tonight!”
tom: ” that’s sick dude!”
billy: ” i know, no romo.”
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