1. a “not-so” is a person who talks smart, is a big shot, a sn-b, who likes to think their superior and has “power” overr others with groups which leads to rejection and sometimes social internet wars, and favor of others.
2. a person who is living in a imagination where they think they are powerful, invincible, superb, & just overall perfect when their quite not-so.
elitism, superiority, sn-b, favoritism, perfectionist, jerk, not-so
1. a “not-so” is a person who talks smart, is a big shot, a sn-b, who likes to think their superior and has “power” overr others with groups which leads to rejection and sometimes social internet wars, and favor of others.
2. a person who is living in a imagination where they think they are powerful, invincible, superb, & just overall perfect when their quite not-so.
elitism, superiority, sn-b, favoritism, perfectionist, jerk, not-so
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