word common to the phrase “n-gg-r”. used for little ghetto white kids who cannot say n-gg-r because they are afraid they will be beatin to death by a black person.
yo nukker, lets roll to my crib
a combination between white trash and n-gg-r, usually someone who is a) black and b) poor and lives in a trailer park, or somebody that is a)white and b)thinks they r black
get yo dirty -ss hands off my tv, nukker.
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1: a mythical figure whom possesses math skills of a much higher level than that of an average mortal man. (believed by some to have the ability to solve complex quadratic equations with minimal expenditure of time and/or physical exertion.) 2: one whom has the ability to go medieval on that seemingly unsolvable and obscure […]
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- Sacroskank
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