any youth with a messed up gender.
“one day you’re dressed like a man, the other you’re dressed like a woman…what are you, nuttimilius?
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close to the heart, a person who likes to be cherished and gives back miles and miles for alittle bit of love. can be dominate in nature and compliant with direction.strong in personal values. holley rae likes to be adorded and works hard to keep issues correct.the heart can be wounded depending on the person […]
acronym: new york fire department he worked for the nyfd but retired last month.
adj. word describing a particularly good, albeit short, period of sleep. “i just took a power nap in my car and it was naptacular!” funkiest of the funky or nasty tact doer ghetto meets valley valley girl in a ghetto world……… spectacular nappy roots!!! funkiest of the funky] or nasty tact doer – funny way […]
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masturbating/w-nking at night over a hot/beautiful woman go and have a ‘midnight grip’ over her big -ss.