someone addicted to weird pleasures or alot of desires.
do you know laura?
shes such a nympho
someone, normally female, that eats, breathes, & lives for s-x. she dreams about it, often playing it over so much in her mind that something she has never tried can be exceptional the first time done with another person. she is insatiable & always ready to play but that does not always make her a sl-t or wh-r-, for she can be picky in her selection.
i am a nympho but very selective in my lovers.
a person, usually female, who is addicted to s-x.
dang she wants it all the time, i can’t do her enough. what a nympho!
a woman.. like myself, that calls her man from work to have phone s-x in her office, and then goes home at lunch, for s-x.. and on the way back to work m-st-rb-t-s. all the while back at work–thinking about the s-x she had. and coming home.. yet again, to have more bouts of s-x..
this morning i woke up early just so i could give him head, we f-cked in the shower and i went to work, only wishing i was back at home to f-ck him some more.
1. a girl who loves to talk about, read about, listen to, anything about s-x.
2. the girl is not always a wh-r-! (ex: i’ve only had one partner ever)
3. she can get turned on by just talking about her experiences or things she would like to experience
me! my friend oliver called me a nympho while we were watching p-rn on sat-rday!
a girl who is obsessed with s-x: thinks about it 24/7, dreams about, fantasizes to the point of not being able to concentrate, imagines doing it with every guy she meets, etc. however not every nympho is a sl-t.
i am a virgin(i have only kissed two guys) and i am a nympho. i have known how to make myself -rg-sm since i was in the 3rd grade. i m-st-rb-t- when i wake up, in the shower, when watching tv, sitting at the computer, etc…
when i am in cl-ss i can’t pay attention if i see a guy i am attracted to b/c my creative mind starts playing out fantasies immediately..sometimes i get scared that i will say something outloud and not realize it haha.
a girl who is addicted to s-x and just cant get enough.
dude1 “hey bro! i set u up with this chick, dude! shes a total nympho!!”
dude2 “shiiiit no way man! thats f-ckin awsome!!
a s-xoholic female.
someone like me j/k! (sometimes)
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