the standard “o_o” face coupled with an ‘a’ to indicate scratching of the head. the scratching of the head is also to indicate that the user is thinking, and also is used sometimes to indicate wonder or confusion.
marine: hey, what’d you do today?
person: hmm.. o_oa
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- envision
not actually a word. used by dumb-american corporate types when they actually mean envisage randy, what can you envision happening during this project? jeez boss, i dunno! don’t misunderestimate me though! one who smells like two week old cabbage soaked in dog p-ss. uhh.. dude.. take a shower. you smell like envision
- Ooka
its another word for ok boy 1 = are you fine boy 2 = no, i am ooka
- Eonowyn
loot wh-r- man that guy is a total eonowyn, he takes every loot that drops.
- ooof
1) the sound you make when climaxing all over a chick or dude. 2) or also something you say to end an awkward silence. 1) dude i yelled ooof when i came inside becky last night. 2)person1: yeah about last person 2: um yeah about last night person 1: ooof
- czovek
czovek is also, in hungarian, another word for deformed p-n-s dude, did you see that guy’s messed up czovek?