stands for: obsessive compulsive texting disorder
a psychological disorder characterized by the inability to put down one’s cell phone or blackberry to stop texting for more than two seconds in order to carry on a conversation. victim’s of this affliction are virtually oblivious to the fact that their behavior is rude and insulting.
jesus, tom you came in my office to talk to me about something and you can’t leave that stupid cell phone alone. what the f-ck is wrong with you? do you have octd or something?
obsessive compulsive trolling disorder.
a progressive mental disorder that compels the afflicted to use a covert cyber ident-ty to malevolently and cowardly persecute online, to defame and har-ss people they know in real life.
facilities like youtube, and facebook are infested with unidentifiable octd trolls. often known as “cyber bullies” they deliberately provoke bait and cause emotional damage to the most vulnerable members of society.
known among “medical” circles as ‘obsessive compulsive twittering disorder”, the symptoms of this impulsive disorder include: the compulsive desire to stay within a five foot radius of any device connected to twitter and exhibiting anger at whomsoever disturbes them while posting updates. this neurological disorder can be completely cured by pulling the plug on the internet connection in the diseased person’s home.
“mike, come downstairs and have some dinner!”
“no, mom. i’m retweeting an update made by jeremy.”
“i’m worried about you octd, so i’ve had your father disable all internet access within our home.”
“i don’t have octd!”
obsessive c-mpulsive t.i. disorder; when someone is absoulutly obsessed with t.i.
girl with the dissorder: holy sh-tt!! ti is the hottest d-mn thing everrrr!!!! “what ever you like” is the mpst amazeing thig ever!
her friend: d-mn girl! u got some serious octd!!
obsessive compulsive texting disorder.
the disease where you are compulsively texting.
“that girl always has her phone out, she deffinetly has octd.”
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