OD&D – Campaigns and House Rules Discussion
od&d – campaigns and house rules discussion is a forum started on january 12, 2015 and was inspired by the original d&d discussion forum. this forum was also created by a referee/player of over 40 years, although by a different person. these two forums together consitute the only legitimate old school d&d forums in existence as of 7/7/2016.
the primary purpose of this forum is to discuss fantastical medieval wargames campaigns and house rules. the primary focus is on od&d, other cl-ssic d&d rules and their various simulacra as the -ssumed foundational rule-sets for our campaigns, as well as, the house rules used therein.
this is the place to vet house rules and discuss them before they are tried out on the unsuspecting players. referees can post new monsters and all types of new material for their campaigns; including, but not limited to, setting ideas, setting/world building and the like. tips on how to run a campaign, how to ref/dm and other related topics are also welcome.
this forum is not an attempt to replace any existing forum, but rather to complement and spur more creativity. the focus is more on using and adapting the rules to your personal campaign. it will be a great deal of fun to look at other people’s campaigns and see how they do things. even on those rare occasions when there is nothing that you directly want to borrow, the discussion should always prove inspiring.
od&d – campaigns and house rules discussion is the only place to go if you want to discuss old school d&d and the creative side of the game.
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