a website ( that is an anonymous one on one chat, pretty much a feeding ground for pedos.
chat convo on omegle…
pedo: asl?
unsuspecting girl: 13/f/ca u?
pedo: 13 huh?
unsuspecting girl: ya heehee, how old r u
pedo: 45, is that too old?
unsuspecting girl: no heehee.
pedo: do you like candy? is the convergence of every side of the interwebz. you’ve got your h-rny 16 year olds, your brazilians, your pedos, trolls, lonely fat girls, complete social rejects, and stoners., fun for the whole family!
omegle is an online chatroom where you don’t need an account. thought as a paedophile heaven for some.
actual omegle convos.
stranger: hi, h-rny, 16.
you: uhm…
stranger: asl?
you: 12, f, uk
stranger: cute. send me pic. :d
you have disconnected.
you: hi
stranger: hi. im v h-rny.
you: lol
stranger: bra size?
you: 34dd
stranger: hot!
you: really. i hate having these manb–bs.
your conversational…
a website where you chat with complete strangers; its pretty much where i chat up brazilian chicks and bother everyone else; some people try to be funny but they say jokes i’ve already heard
hi you’re on omegle!!
stranger: hey
stranger: a/s/l?
you: i am 21.
you: girl from taiwan
stranger: o cool. what do you do in taiwan?
you: i eat panda.
pretty much the most fun you can have with absolutely no consequences
welcome to omegle
stranger-hey, a/s/l?
stranger-mexico huh?
you- yup, im in the cocaine buisness
you-want some c-ke?
stranger-stranger has disconnected
an anonymous browser-based chat room where the company (omegle) places you in a one-on-one chat room with a random person. regardless of what you and your anonymous chat buddy talk about, the conversation will always end up about s-x…always.
omegle chat room:
you: hey, what’s up?
stranger: hey, not much, what about you?
you: not too much, just listening to music.
stranger: what kind of music?
you: the s-x pistols; they are my favorite band ever!!
stranger: m/f?
you: …male…why?
stranger: how big is your member?
omegle is the 9th wonder of the world, you can be anybody you want to be, some of the most gullible, h-rny, non-english speaking people lurk the site, wanting a cyber f-ck buddy, friend or translator.
you: be my friend!
stranger: asl?
you: please be my friend?
stranger: i’m just lurkin’ to be able to snap one off
stranger: que?
you: what!?
strange: mejor mi amigo stranger?
you: what the f-ck!?
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