…or the terrorists win
a horrible lie spread by the bush administration to further their agenda.
“we have to stay in iraq for another 15 years …or the terrorists win.”
“we have to keep marriage between a man and a woman …or the terrorists win.”
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- Kerchmar
a person with ketchup in their brain that is from mars. that person is such a kerchmar.
aka “food” simon is nippin down to mcdonalds for some “scranyooda”
- geek burger
insult from full house dj; “you are a nerd bomber” steph: “geek burger” 1. a total douche bag. 2. made popular by “full house’s” stefanie. 3. a geek in the form of a burger. “haha, that b-m stole that kid’s money” “that kid is a geekburger” “word” a person who is of the utmost nerdiness […]
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