a person who loves the american tv show, “one tree hill”, alot.
oh i’ve got to watch it, i’m an othaholic
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- creamhackered
-verb 1. a word used to describe one who has been a victim of scorn or derision due to having been successfully compromised of their integrity. being derived of a combination of two words, creamed and hacked, to elaborate the greatest severity of being compromised of ones sapposed wholeness due to being blatantly proven of […]
- Postcards
the dry hump of marketing strategies. “and here i am reduced to postcards, the dry hump of marketing strategies.” – killface one fineee b-tch. usually from the tropics or another vacation destination. could be the name for the girl you hooked up with on vacation, or just a girl you spot thats lookin’ hot and […]
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bullsh-t particularly within the recording studio world carl your overmodulating again
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looking “perfect” for f-cking right-now! the current 2009 over-s-xualized female “style” as pushed by britney spears, madonna, cosmopolitan, etc. ie: wearing excessive make-up, eye-shadow, razor-nails and obvious sl-tty clothes (high-heels, low cut top, micro-skirts, high-contrast thongs, sometimes exposed garters). excitement is added thru b-tchiness, complaining and acting superior to others. boy, i think audrey learned […]
- Dealesque
the verbal expression when the price is too good to be true. the price of a product is too cheap to resist. when a deal is great and you’re excited about the deal. bob: “this winter hat was sooo dealesque, it was so cheap. i had to get it.” bill: “you know what’s even more […]