anything uttered by us vice-president candidate sarah palin. a nonsensical series of drawn-out, padded words that don’t make sense forward or backward. similar to the well-known and inherently idiotic “bushisms” spoken by president george w. bush.
sarah palin: “as for that vp talk all the time, i’ll tell you, i still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the vp does every day?”
brainiac #1: “what did she just say?”
brainiac #2: “oh, nothing. just another palindrone. but she sure is hot!”
one who follows a politician based solely on personal likability or relatability while often ignoring said politician’s stances on issues or past behavior
“dude, do you even know what his policies are?”
“not at all. i freely admit i’m a total palindrone.”
(n): a sarah palin apologist.
“and on tonight’s show we have the world’s top palindrone, sean hannity as our guest.”
a rambling or incoherent speech made by a politician, which makes as much sense backwards as forwards.
this word is a pun on the word “palindrome” (a sentence which reads the same backwards as forwards), constructed from sarah palin] (the 2008 republican candidate for vice president) and “drone” (monotonous speech).
here’s an example of a palindrone, as uttered by sarah palin herself: “i know that john mccain will do that and i, as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the american people and are elected to serve and are sworn in on january 20, that will be our top priority is to defend the american people.” (interview with charlie gibson, 9/11/2008)
did you hear that clip of george bush on “the daily show” last night? it was one long palindrone.
murderous drag queen of dubious pedigree, hand(-job)-selected by the gay old pedophiles (gop) as b-tt boy extraordinaire to ‘senator’ mcbane. notoriously misogynic and thoroughly misanthropic (due to gender and species xenophobia, respectfully), palin-drone prost-tutes its own knocked-up 17-year-old sp-wn as anodyne for witless, anti-choice right-wingnuts. in a fortuitous twist of irony, palin-drone is ostensibly the same anti-christ its own sycophants have been programmed to dread.
palin-drone’s henchmen will require a minimum of one fortnight, alone with an unabridged dictionary, to decipher the semantics of this definition.
a sentence that doesn’t make any meaningful sense read forward, backword, or in any combination of the words used. related to palindrome; a spout of mindless gibberish as could only be told by sarah palin.
more palindrone from that candidate: “as for that vp talk all the time, i’ll tell you, i still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the vp does every day?”
a common mode of speech whereby the soliloquyst babbles in seeming eloquence but actually manages to say next to nothing relevant –nor coherent, by dangling gerunds, mangling prepositions, randomly exiling nouns and verbs and/or using verbs better left as nouns, often even flatly contradicting him/herself.
example of use:
“at todd’s old church in wasilla, they spoke in tongues. maybe that’s where he picked up his palindrone.”
example of palindrones:
“with the impacts of climate change, what we can do about that, as governor, i was the first governor to form a climate change subcabinet to start dealing with the impacts.”
“you know, there are man’s activities that can be contributed to the issues that we’re dealing with now, with these impacts.”
“if americans so bless us and privilege us with the opportunity of serving them, … we will progress the agenda.”
– sarah palin, 2008 vp debate.
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