Paradox Sector
a nifty forum online that is better then totse where cool people can discuss cool stuff. it even has it’s own themesong, p-rn crackers, and some really awesome moderators. and hot chicks, funny people, some text articles, creative artists, druggies, and stuff. it was founded by the admin enigma on the 27th of october 2004, and has a relatively small user base, which allows the weeding out of the occasional troll
windigo: man, the ‘dox has some b-tchin’ threads
kam the great: so paradoxians…
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“(” or “)” “that which is put in parenthisis can (not) be ignored”
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- peacelate broha
a phrase used by nathan owens (napalm) of youtube channel desandnate in his and destery moore’s video “idek (who took the cookie: a word with nathan 2)”. the phrase is used to get out of a conversation with a creeper. alright…. peacelate broha….
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