to remove fecal matter from -n-s by dragging it across the carpet.
“if church isn’t over soon i’m going to paussa down the aisle in front of the lord.”
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- scrinkle dinkle
a 3rd grade cuss word which in that time means “d-ckhead” or “f-ckface” 3rd grader 1: you are such a scrinkle d-nkle bryan 3rd grader 2: you said a no no word!
- sharzod
the most fabulous boov of them all ooohhhh daaannggg!!! look at sharzod go!!!
- yifei
#1: an extremely dirty minded person #2: an asian that can’t solve a rubik’s cube (probably not the best at math, either). asian trying to solve rubik’s cube: “wow look! these colors are shaped like a d-ck! :d” another person: “you are such an yifei”
- charism
n. an -rg-sm due to the extreme articulateness and s-xiness of the sound of a person’s voice. she had a charism when she first heard john malkovich interviewed.
- drug balancing
the act of utilizing various drugs from uppers to downers to balance out how you feel. mickey snorted some c-ke before he went out to gamble. after awhile he felt jittery and needed to do some drug balancing, so he took some xanax to equalize his feelings.