penis colata
a drink you ask for with a deep accent at 7-11
hey mis-ter, you seeem to be outta dis p-n-s colata
-or, while singing loudly in 7-11-
“if u like p-n-s colata”
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- dofo
used as a deogatory term a combination of the words : “dumb-ss”+”motherf-cker-=dofo d-mn, you freakin’ dofo …you wrote all over my homework.
- Knee-ne
acne on your knees. guy #1: dude i had baaad acne on my back the other day. guy #2: that’s alright, i get bad knee-ne after a long day of hiking. guy #1: dude thats gross. guy #2: eh, its alright.
- penis wilson
p-n-s wilson is the ultimate insult. p-n-s wilson is fighting words. a p-n-s wilson is someone who is annoying, gay, an -sshole, a pr-ck, a douche bag, and somebody no one likes. andrew wilson is such a p-n-s wilson f-ck that kid.
- pizza douche
one who orders a pizza in a computer lab and does not give anyone a piece, and eats a whole one himself. then, plays annoying top 40 hits and makes out with his ugly girlfriend. he is usually an ugly pretentious fat guy, with greasy hair and he wears really weird girl pajamas to school. […]
- Transempturalist
a speaker who overuses the term or phrase ‘ladies and gentlemen’ to express a significant point usually affecting the other team whilst debating. other contexts: transempturalism – the disease of overusing ‘ladies and gentlemen’ while debating. ‘ladies and gentlemen, the oppositions case is like a skyscr-per – with many flaws and stories…furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, […]