Penis Eyes
the distinctive vacuous look on a gay man’s face when they are desparately looking for the next f-ck. usually the eyes are wide opened and the lips slightly pouted. you can see from a mile that they can’t wait to have a big c-ck up their -rs-s, or in their mouths. in severe cases, the subject will develop a slight tremor or hiccups when a potential target approaches.
daffid said to his best friend ross. “if you continue to look for sl-tty boyz to f-ck, you’ll end up having an empty life with p-n-s eyes on your puss.”
derek mincing said to leonard “how very very dare you! you took me to this club where all the men have p-n-s eyes. i find you……impertinent!
the distinctive vacuous look on a gay man’s face when they are desparately looking for the next f-ck. usually the eyes are wide opened and the lips slightly pouted. you can see from a mile that they can’t wait to have a big c-ck up their -rs-s, or in their mouths. in severe cases, the subject will develop a slight tremor or hiccups when a potential target appears.
daffid said to his best friend ross. “if you continue to look for sl-tty boyz to f-ck, you’ll end up having an empty life with p-n-s eyes on your puss.”
derek mincing said to leonard “how very very dare you! you took me to this club where all the men here have p-n-s eyes. i find you……impertinent!”
the rare genetic dissorder in which the ocular orifi are occupied by peni, instead of eyes.
gross that kid is leaking from his p-n-s eyes.
yeah yesteday he turned around and whacked me with his p-n-s eyes.
(p-n-s eye). a term used by people who are bored of saying “b-tthead” or “d-ckface.” it’s just simply two body part names put together, to create a humorous nickname.
it’s used in daily conversations.
madison: “breanna, you’re a p-n-seye.”
breanna: “i know.”
1. an insult, similar to f-ckface or d-ckf-ck
2. a medical condition – a male s-x organ (p-n-s) grows behind the occular lens, thus replacing the eyeball with a p-n-s.
1. sopton, you’re such a p-n-s eye
2. herbert had to get an operation to fix his p-n-s eye
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