Penis Wrap
when a mcdonalds employee writes a p-n-s on your snack wrap with your selected sauce.
“haha look at that mike drew a p-n-s on that guys wrap!”
“lol i gave that girl a p-n-s wrap
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a month whose 1st date comes on monday and all the sundays in that particular month follows the date pattern of 7 14 21 28 is known as perfect month. the name perfect comes from the fact that it follows table of 7 which is the number of days in a week. also, monday is […]
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internet misspelling of face, used as an interjection. never to be pr-nounced in the real world, however. “taht link wwent to u peice of shti!!!1 u siad i git a funy joek site??/” “phacr!!1 you are such a nub!!!1”
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the eating of parasites, basically feeding on another cell whom is feeding on you. the fly bit me, in turn i swallowed it. phagophila at its best, because it was delicious
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adjective, a term used to describe amazingly epic people. term was coined by zach, aka satan, to describe his best friend aj, but has spread now to describe many things. guy 1: dude, she’s awesome… guy 2: no man, she’s better than that, she’s phantastimagical! guy 1: definitely.
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to take the usernames and p-sswords you have gotten via phishing techniques and then max the credit cards and drain the bank accounts of the target. phished his infoz then bent him over and gave him the phist. 1 more definition a kool way ov ritin da word “fist” dude guy 1:i put my phist […]