peno master
a derranged child found wearing trackky bottoms (tucked into white sock), cl-ssic shoes, burbury hat and usually has some sort of speach impediment to make them sound hard , dirt rubbed onto face for added affect
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- Dubskie
1. a camper in call of duty with no life 2. a rapper at ucf d-mn it man you’ve got to be kidding me! we’re playing a bunch of dubskies! yo did you hear that new dubskie song?! i can’t wait to get drunk and party to it
- peonry
same as peonage, except that peonage can refer to a group or cl-ss of peons as well as a condition (“served in conditions of peonage”). “peonry” refers only to a group or cl-ss of peons. from an online article about mcdonald’s and their resistance to paying a living wage: “holders of mcdonald’s stock will not […]
- duckaday
an exclamation shouted when all things are in flow, when the groove has been found. almost always accompanied with a one-legged hop (otherwise known as “happy feet”). duckaday!!!! (hop hop hop hop hop)
- peteetong
(pet-tee-tong) 1.) a verbal salute used as a greeting or at departure 2.) a word used in celebration popularized by larry wachs, the jew of the regular guys, a popular radio show in atlanta,ga. the word originates from a call by an inebriated listener refered to as “stoner mike” a self proclaimed wordsmith/catch-phrase creator. the […]
- Duchenne
a pointless exclamation made by “that guy” at a party. an attempted “douche-chill” tool comment. when said, the speaker is asking to get hit in their b-lls. guy with a popped collar: d-ch-nne! -b-lls- guy with a popped collar: ow. my b-lls. 1. d-ch-nne muscular dystrophy. clay matthews appeared in television commercials in support of […]