someone who finds it hard to be happy with their work unless it is of a very high standard. for example, if a perfectionist gets a b grade, they think they have failed as they feel that it’s not good enough.
it can be self-destructive and time wasting as perfectionists often procrastinate to avoid doing important tasks in what they see as a substandard way.
they push themselves beyond the normal limits to achieve their goals and people are sometimes surprised by what they can accomplish.
perfectionists do not deal well with pressure and close deadlines, particularly when the work is important, as they feel they do not have enough time to make their work ‘perfect’ and therefore be happy with it.
it can be both a blessing and a curse.
perfectionists are not the same as those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (ocd), although they can be obsessive about their work.
jack: i’m a perfectionist. i’m not happy with my work unless i know it’s the best it can be.
james: i hadn’t noticed.
jack: i detected a tad of sarcasm in your voice then.
someone who takes f-cking ages to do even a basic task because it has to be ‘perfect’.
did you just take an hour and a half to polish your shoes?
yes, i couldn’t get rid of a speck of dirt on the soles.
your such a ‘perfectionist’
a person who does everything perfectly and has no flaws whatsoever. if they do have any flaws, they are minor and aren’t that big of a deal. perfectionists are considered awesome at times because of how perfectly they accomplish their tasks and because of how perfect they are themselves. many people wish to be a perfectionist for perfectionists are just simply awesome, but they can’t be one because they’re not ‘perfect material’
-“gosh darn it! how i wish i could be a perfectionist!”
-“wow. see that girl nadia over there? she’s a perfectionist. she talks the talk and walks the walk and everything. d-mn, lemme get her numba.”
-if you’re a perfectionist, you’re just simply awesome.”
-n-l retentive person who isn’t satisfied with any result.
dan s. is a perfectionist, aka b-tch
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