Peter Miller
funniest person tisu
i dont know
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- Pet Iguana
slang for an abnormally long p-n-s, usually over 8 inches in its flaccid state, over 12 inches in its erect state. girl, yesterday this fool showed me his pet iguana in the bathroom!!
- douche kanoosh
n: a person with douchey quailties and calling them a douche just doesnt sum it up. also could be a person of jewish religion. man you are such a douche kanoosh
- doucheletics
a cl-ss with only douche bags in it guy 1: hey man what cl-ss you going to? guy 2: i got doucheletics next
- Petitty
a pet-te girl’s small b–bies :d (plural: pet-tties) i heard that you searched on google for a pet-tty.
- doughverdose
an overdose of bread based food products, eg, toast, pizza, etc… amalgamation of the words ‘dough’ and ‘overdose’. tom – “my tummy aches after eating all that pizza!” (moaning & groaning) d-ck – “looks like you’ve doughverdosed mate!”