Phone Cute
a person (women or man) that is only cute through texting, phone calls, pic messaging etc.
man that girl keeps bugging, shes not even all that.. shes phone cute.
man that girl isnt even car cute.. shes phone cute
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- Strega Nona
a nice old lady who gave her magic pot to her little friend anthony (who would use it to make lots of pasta) gullible person i can’t believe you actually believe cats can fly you strega nona.
- stufferin
a person sufferin for somthin they want but cant have wanna be tuff person that says uncessary stuff at the wrong times and is bascily a -sshole person: d-mn im mad as h-ll crakchead: wen u gone give it up person: u stufferin -ss motha f-cka
- swissmissing
refers to missing a person or persons of swiss orgin i was swissmissing all day
- Synthpathetic
feelin’ empathy through music with a sick beat using synths and strings. synthpathetic is my new song with a sick beat and illy lyrics.
military jargon for see you on the other side. infiltrate that building sargeant captain. syotos.