1. literal translation: -n-l-c-ck-breath
2. usually used to describe a d-ckhead of somekind who has skrewed with too many women. he has no sense of morals. usually seen as a man-wh-r-
3. complete and utter w-nker
“lawrence is a w-nker. no wait, he’s a pice.”
5 more definitions
1. any small, wingless insect of the order anoplura (sucking louse), parasitic on humans and other mammals and having mouthparts adapted for sucking, as pediculus hum-n-s (body louse or head louse).
2. phthirius pubis–pubic lice.
“michael has so much pice, i see them coming from his pants!”
a flock of pies. these pies could be either of the same type or of different types. for it to be considered a pice, there must be at least five pies in said pice.
if all the pies were cherry, it would be called a cherry pice. if all the pies were blueberry, it would be called a blueberry pice. if there is a mixed variety of pies, the flock will simply be known as a pice.
means to mess around with a girl , but nothing serious , 2 play her.
‘nah i dont wanna go out with her , jus pice her.’
‘i piced her’
the ice that covers frozen potato products after leaving them in the freezer for too long. ends up tasting like plastic
mark left the fries in the freezer for so long that when we opened them it was just a chunk of pice
basically a prison b-tch.
you know if you drop that soap you’re gonna be my pices.
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